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Mobile phones have become a need for every human being in Pakistan. Yet, various people in Pakistan do not have access to a smartphone. Lots of smartphones have been carried by people from abroad to Pakistan. Phones that came to Pakistan by any illegal method are not PTA approved. Pakistan Telecommunication Authority approves the smartphones and makes them operational. A PTA blocked mobile phones that are not approved by PTA. if they are reported such as carried through any illegal resources. The phones that are not original or duplicates of the original phones cannot be registered with PTA.

Why PTA Block Your Mobile Phone ?

If your mobile phone is not registered with PTA, your phone will probably be blocked. Registering your phone with PTA is necessary as it supports them to monitor the devices which have been imported legally or illegally into Pakistan. Phones that have been carried by the owner from abroad are unregistered with PTA and they are asked to pay applicable tax to keep on using them.

PTA blocks all unregistered phones to improve Pakistan’s safety system. So, if your unregistered phone is blocked by PTA, there are chances that you are consuming a sub-standard, duplicate, or illegally imported phone. Your phone gets blocked due to the PTA’s rules.

How to Check Blocked Mobile phones

There are two methods to verify whether your phone is approved by PTA or not. You can send a Message or can visit the PTA website to validate your IMEI number. So, once verification is done, PTA will reply to confirm that the phone is registered with PTA or not. PTA has permitted the registration of one mobile phone free of cost. Registering a mobile phone is not sufficient; still, a person should pay all the relevant taxes of the mobile phone to use it in the country for a long time.

The process to Unblock the PTA Blocked Mobile phone

Any mobile phone that is blocked by PTA can be unblocked, for this purpose, you must confirm that your private data such as personal information has to be shared for the online mobile registration on the official website of PTA. Below are steps to unblock your mobile phone:

1. Sign-Up Account on PTA Website

In the first step, open the official PTA website then click the option of Online Mobile Registration & a blank form will open which has to be filled with the correct information meanwhile any wrong information will not let you unblock your smartphone.

  1. You have to create a new account by providing all the mandatory information that consists of your full name, permanent & temporary Address, Phone Number, Email Address, CNIC Number, and Passport Number.
  2. After successful sign-up, you have to log in to your account with the Password you have taken before & you have to remember this password for future usage.
  3. After successful login, you have to submit the request for unblocking of your phone.
  4. Sign in to your Account and Submit Details

2. Register Your Mobile phone

After sign-in, you have to click the option Register Your Mobile phone. You can only register one PTA block phone for free in a year. If you want additional mobile to unblock then you need to pay the tax.

  1. You need to enter your phone’s IMEI number, confirm that if your phone is Dual-Sim then you have to add two IMEI numbers.
  2. You can get your phone’s IMEI number from the box of the phone or by sending a message.
  3. A mobile phone’s IMEI number contains a 15-digit code that is unlike every mobile phone.
  4. IMEI is the International Mobile Equipment Identification Number that is an identification code in the registration of any mobile phone.

3. Pay Applicable Taxes

Lastly, you have to pay the taxes that are against your PSID, and you can also pay the tax in any local bank. For the comfort of their consumers, PTA has also allowed paying the taxes through any ATM or by online banking against the PSID number of your phone. Once you complete the entire process, you will get an SMS that will VERIFY the status of your mobile phone that PTA has approved.

4. Amount of Tax to Pay

The tax calculation depends on the price of the mobile phone you are using. Even if you have carried a secondhand phone from a foreign country, the tax counter to it will be according to its existing market rate. The amount that you need to pay for your device will also be stated in your account.

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